Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

The perfection of virtual worlds is what the internet was meant for. Virtual realities can be used in training of the military, police force, work force, and the mind. Once you are in this simulated world situations can be created for training and skill building. Thinking further into virtual worlds, they can even be used for expecting parents. They can simulate a whole house with different situations their newborn can get himself or herself into. Nervous parents will learn to care for the baby before it is even in this world. Making them feel more capable and have an easier experience with raising a child.
Racism is also diminished because you have the ability to look like a created online character. As said in the article, "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get A Reboot" it is said that we are not alone together, but truly together. This is because of our character representations.

Virtual worlds can even help people with social anxiety or others who simply do not feel like going out during the night for some reason. In the article, "I've Been in That Club, Just Not in Real Life" by Dave Itzkoff the experience of going to a local club was experienced in the comforts of the home. The smell and the size of the crowd was unappealing so that same club was entered but in the virtual world.

The good things about virtual worlds are there can be therapies for traumas, training, testing of new inventions, launch simulations, and phenomenal gaming experiences.

The down side of virtual worlds at the moment are the lag, a mediocre tracking system, choppy graphics, no real time physics, and lack of variability.

I hope when the virtual world is perfected I will not feel like I am simply a character in a simulation, but complete immersion in the situation I am placed in.


  1. The benefits of VR will outweigh the downsides. VR is not inherently bad, it will be the abuse of VR that will be bad.

    1. It's true anything in large amounts is not good.


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