Reframing The Game (Paper Concept)

          My paper at it's core will have the topic of social networking being better or worse than the real thing. With scholarly sources and personal experience I will show how the use of new media and social networks are a gate to a fake world one can create for his or herself. And how teens and adults reframing the world around them leads to higher cases or depression and anxiety in their lives. My hopes are to possibly give someone a new view on the all around affects of social media.


  1. I think your paper topic is very interesting and I can't wait to see the progression of this. I agree that social networks and media allows people to create a sort of "persona" for themselves. I also agree that teens/ adults being surrounded by social media can lead to higher cases of depression and anxiety in their lives.

    1. Thank you for the support Danica. Yes, hopefully I can shed some more light on the world of anxiety in the world of teens.


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