Blog Social Networking

Corporation and businesses should use social networking for the direct access it can provide to it's customers. It gives the company free PR and a constant flow of valuable data that is provided directly from their source of profit, the consumers. Customers will think it is a reliable source of information and have a faster buying decision process. With this new wave of technology forever advancing it is always better to stay ahead and be in all forms of content sharing, even blogs. Just as stated in the article, "Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting" by Frank Langfitt, business can also use social networking for hiring new skilled workers. The outreach of people social technology can achieve is far greater now than any other time in the world. The article explains how Linkedin has a network of 8 million workers spread across the world, and is used by all Fortune 500 companies.

Like all things on the other hand it can be used for harm. Social networking can be a tool for bullying and harassment. In fact it is made easier by the protection of the screen you are behind and not the person you are infront of. In the article, "They're Back, and They're Bad: Campus-Gossip Web Site" by Jeffery R. Young, he explains how sites promoting the posting of negative comments on other students are running rapid. These sites are giving administrators a hard time during the acedemic year due to the hostility and potential danger of these sites. Social networking can be a conduit for more that just bullying and harassment. Other things to come out more often with social networking and social media are scams, fake news, stealing, plagiarism, etc.

We can only expect this technology to improve to sci-fi level capabilities. Holograms of ourselves talking to one another. Smart AI answering a question perfectly the way we would of if the it was asked directly to us in person. Stronger connection, and even further reach to all corners the world. With the advancement of this tech, hopefully we can eave the negative of it behind


Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting by Frank Langfitt, NPR, March 16, 2008. available from

"They're Back, and They're Bad: Campus-Gossip Web Sites," by Jeffrey R. Young, The Chronicle for Higher Education, Sept 4, 2009, p. A20+. Available at:


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